Liz Disler Sustainable Fashion

Liz Disler Sustainable Fashion

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bamboo Material - Why?

Bamboo is a sustainable fibre as it doesn't require much water to grow, it can grow up to one metre per day, it has antibactieral properties. The bamboo plant is also a great source of oxygen. The bamboo plant is not classified as organic, although there are no chemicals used to grow it, making it an even more appealing product when considering environmental impact.
Bamboo material comes in many different forms, such as woven satins, twills and knits in jersey, interlock. It has a very silky and soft hand feel.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why should you care about wearing organic Cotton?

Why should you care about buying and wearing organic cotton? Well, did you know that conventional cotton (not organic) is grown with chemicals and the crops are sprayed with chemicals to keep away pests and disease? Many of the agents used to spray cotton were originally developed in World War II as nerve gases. And you might say "It's not as if I eat it" well indirectly you do, because it's oil can most likely be found in your junk found and the cotton seed is fed to our livestock, our poultry whose eggs we eat and to our dairy cattle whose milk we drink!
I thought you would like to have this knowledge and be aware. I was shocked to find this out. I have been doing a lot of research on the fashion industry and why it works to be sustainable.